Index for Insanity, Inc.

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Downfall of a Democracy

In recent time it seems that more and more vocal people are saying that they should get all sorts of free stuff from the government. I seriously doubt that they have enough sense to understand what the end result would be. I really don't think that they understand the concept of Freedom, nor would they want "their" money taken from them to give to others.

It would be interesting if we could have a two-tiered system with regards to taxes and free stuff. Those who want all sorts of stuff would have their taxes increased so that all of their demands are met. The rest would have more reasonable taxes. I wonder how many people would opt in for such a plan.

Some appropriate quotes in regards to the matter:

Additional relevant quotes are available at: Famous Quotes collected by Larry Willis



Index for Insanity, Inc.

Written: 14-Apr-2016

Updated: 14-Apr-2016

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